Yoast SEO Plugin Review: Why You Need It for Your WordPress Site

If you are a WordPress user, you probably know how important it is to optimize your site for search engines. SEO (search engine optimization) is the process of improving your site’s visibility and relevance for your target keywords and audience. SEO can help you rank higher on Google, drive more organic traffic to your site, and increase your conversions and sales. Yoast SEO plugin can help you do all these things. In this blog, get a detailed review of the Yoast SEO Plugin.

But SEO is not easy. It involves many technical and creative aspects, such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, content quality, keyword research, meta tags, schema markup, link building, and more. It can be overwhelming and time-consuming to do it all by yourself.

That’s why you need a plugin like Yoast SEO. Yoast SEO is one of the most popular and trusted SEO plugins for WordPress. It helps you optimize your site for search engines in a simple and effective way. In this blog post, we will review the main features and benefits of the Yoast SEO plugin and show you why you should use it for your WordPress site.

Features of Yoast SEO Plugin

yoast plugin review

Yoast SEO plugin has many features that can help you improve your site’s SEO. Here are some of the most important ones:

Yoast SEO is a popular WordPress plugin that helps improve your website’s search engine optimization (SEO). Let me provide you with an overview of its features:

  • SEO Titles and Meta Descriptions:
    • You can customize the SEO title and meta description for each post individually.
    • It ensures your content appears optimally in search engine results.
  • Taxonomy Support:
    • Yoast provides title and meta description support for taxonomies (such as categories and tags).
  • Google Search Result Previews:
    • You get a snippet preview of how your page will appear in Google search results.
  • AI-Optimized Titles and Meta Descriptions (Premium Feature):
    • Yoast SEO Premium uses artificial intelligence to generate SEO titles and meta descriptions for your posts and pages.
    • This speeds up your work and ensures optimized content without manual effort.
  • Optimize for Multiple Keywords (Premium Feature):
    • With Yoast SEO Premium, you can optimize a single page for up to 5 keywords and their synonyms.
    • This helps you rank higher for a broader range of search terms.
  • Automatic Redirects (Premium Feature):
    • Old or renamed pages are seamlessly redirected to maintain a positive user experience and keep Google happy.
  • Real-Time Internal Link Suggestions (Premium Feature):
    • Yoast suggests relevant internal links as you write, saving you time and improving your site’s structure.
  • Social Media Preview (Premium Feature):
    • You can preview how your page will appear when shared on Facebook and Twitter.
    • This allows you to optimize your preview for click-throughs.
  • 24/7 Support (Premium Feature):
    • Yoast offers personal support via email, even during evenings and weekends.
  • Keyword optimization: Yoast SEO plugin helps you optimize your content for your focus keyword or keyphrase. It analyzes your content and gives you suggestions on how to use your keyword in the title, headings, meta description, URL, body text, images, etc. It also shows you the keyword density and readability score of your content.
  • Readability analysis: Yoast SEO plugin helps you improve the readability of your content. It checks your content for factors such as sentence length, paragraph length, transition words, passive voice, subheadings, etc. It gives you feedback on how to make your content more clear, engaging, and easy to read for your audience and search engines.
  • Schema markup: Yoast SEO plugin helps you add schema markup to your site. Schema markup is a code that tells search engines what your site and content are about. It can help you get rich snippets in the search results, such as star ratings, images, prices, etc. Yoast SEO plugin supports various types of schema markup, such as article, product, review, FAQ, how-to, etc.
  • Social media integration: Yoast SEO plugin helps you optimize your site for social media platforms. It allows you to set the title, description, and image that will appear when you share your site or content on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. It also adds social media buttons to your site to encourage your visitors to share your content with their friends and followers.
  • Technical SEO: Yoast SEO plugin helps you take care of the technical aspects of SEO. It helps you create XML sitemaps, robots.txt files, canonical URLs, breadcrumbs navigation, etc. It also helps you fix common SEO issues such as broken links, duplicate content, 404 errors, etc.

Benefits of Using Yoast SEO Plugin

Using Yoast SEO plugin can bring many benefits to your WordPress site. Here are some of the main ones:

  • Improve your site’s ranking: By using Yoast SEO plugin, you can optimize your site for your target keywords and audience. You can make sure that your site and content are relevant and useful for the search queries that you want to rank for. You can also improve your site’s authority and trustworthiness by adding schema markup and fixing technical SEO issues.
  • Attract more traffic: By using Yoast SEO plugin, you can increase your site’s visibility and click-through rate in the search results. You can make your site stand out from the competition by adding rich snippets and social media previews to your site. You can also drive more traffic from social media platforms by optimizing your site for sharing.
  • Enhance your content quality: By using Yoast SEO plugin, you can improve the quality of your content. You can make sure that your content is clear, engaging, and easy to read for your audience and search engines. You can also avoid common content mistakes such as keyword stuffing, spelling errors, grammar errors, etc.

Comparison with Other SEO Plugins

Yoast SEO plugin is not the only SEO plugin for WordPress. There are other similar plugins that offer similar or different features and benefits. Some of the most popular ones are Rank Math, All in One SEO, SEOPress, etc.

How does Yoast SEO plugin compare with these other plugins? Here are some of the main differences:

  • User interface: Yoast SEO plugin has a user-friendly and intuitive interface that guides you through the optimization process step by step. It shows you a green, orange, or red indicator for each aspect of your SEO and gives you tips on how to improve it. It also has a sidebar that shows you a preview of how your site or content will look like in the search results and social media platforms. Other plugins may have a more complex or cluttered interface that may confuse or overwhelm some users.
  • Features: Yoast SEO plugin has a comprehensive set of features that cover almost every aspect of SEO. It has features that other plugins may not have, such as schema markup, social media integration, internal linking suggestions, etc. It also has premium features that you can access by upgrading to the paid version, such as content insights, redirect manager, multiple focus keywords, etc. Other plugins may have fewer or different features that may suit your needs better or worse depending on your goals and preferences.
  • Performance: Yoast SEO plugin has a high performance and compatibility with WordPress. It is regularly updated and maintained by a team of experts who ensure that it works smoothly and securely with the latest WordPress versions and standards. It also has a large and active community of users who provide feedback and support for the plugin. Other plugins may have lower performance or compatibility issues that may affect your site’s speed, security, or functionality.


Yoast SEO plugin is one of the best SEO plugins for WordPress. It helps you optimize your site for search engines in a simple and effective way. It has many features and benefits that can help you improve your site’s ranking, traffic, and content quality. It also has a user-friendly and intuitive interface that makes it easy to use for beginners and experts alike.

If you are looking for a plugin that can help you boost your WordPress site’s SEO, you should definitely give Yoast SEO plugin a try. You can download it for free from the WordPress repository or upgrade to the premium version for more advanced features.

Do you use Yoast SEO plugin for your WordPress site? What do you think of it? Let us know in the comments below!

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